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Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer, Refined Potassium Humate HA75-12

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Title: Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer, Refined Potassium Humate HA75-12 
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Contact: Joshua Zhao (Ms.)    



Refined Potassium humate


Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer , Refined Potassium Humate HA75-12


Quick Detail:


Potassium humate is the potassium salt of humic acid. It is manufactured commercially by alkaline extraction of leonardite. The extraction is performed in water with the addition of potassium hydroxide (KOH).





Our potassium humate are come from high quality humic acid, as a natural additive for fertilizer with good water solubility, it could be wide use in agriculture as foliar and drip irrigation fertilizer or spraying fertilizer, to improve nutrient uptake and the structure of the soil also to increase the fertility.





Addition of organic matter to organically-deficient soils 

Improve absorption through the roots

Improved nutrient uptake 

Increases the ability of anti-waterlog and anti-diseases 

Better seed germination 

Increased fertilizer retention 

Stimulate beneficial microbial activity 

Healthier plants and improved yields 





Appearance: Black shiny powder

Water solubility: 99% min.

Humic acid (dry base): 75% min.

Fulvic acid (dry base): 12% min.

Potassium (K2O, dry base): 12%

Moisture: 15% max.

PH: 9-11



Competitive Advantage:


1) High quality raw material come from selective mine leonardite in Xinjiang and Neimenggu China.

Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer, Refined Potassium Humate HA75-12

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